Sunday, October 2, 2011


Hi Girls! I don't know if anyone is still out there ~ I've been away far too long. I thought I'd send out an update and see how you're all doing anyway.

I have had so much change in my life. I have not continued any type of focus on me and my personal goals but I am a lot happier and down a few pounds because of it!

I quit my very stressful job and took a new, part-time teaching job that I'm really enjoying! Things have also been heating up with my daughter's dream of becoming a recording artist and we've taken trips to NYC and Boston to meet with producers and take voice lessons w/Steven Tyler's vocal coach. It's all been quite the whirlwind. Dan and I are trying to decide whether or not to let her tap into what little we've put away to help her w/college to invest in this career.

This summer I was crazy busy working w/for Sean's soccer coach. He runs a soccer academy and clinics and I do all his paperwork. I love it! We had a horrific tragedy the first day of sessions though when one of our players dropped dead less than an hour into the day. It was heartbreaking for all. The whole summer helped me put my life into perspective and when I went back to work and came home crying on the 3rd day of teacher meetings, I realized it was time for major change!

I came home looked online for jobs, applied for two and got called for an interview 10 minutes later! The rest is history and I've not been this much at peace in years!

I hope you are all going strong and doing well. Take care and if you feel like checking in, I'd love to hear what you're up to!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Motivation Cancelled

Well with the reunion three weeks away they decided to cancel it.!! We were informed that we will combine with the class below us and have a big one next year. I am pretty sure that they couldn't get it together on time. oh well. Now I guess I have another year to get into great shape. I am bummed though.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Time

Yes!! Summer has finally found WA coast...this means I can hit the beach and walk. I am on a good track right now. Sammy how has it been going? I hope well and good. Any changes on the scale? I know you start school again soon and will be really busy but just know that you can always count on me when you need to vent.

Have you ever heard of Sparkpeople?? It is a FREE online diet/fitness site that has tons of advice ,recipes, fitness stuff...ect. It is an awesome site, in a way it's like face book but for health. You should look into it. I just joined and I love it!! If you do join, look for me. I am Oceanrose1

Friday, July 15, 2011


Hey there ladies. Time fro updates! Well I am trying to go low carb. It is really easy and I feel better. I don't need all that wheat crap. I eat clean 95% of the time. Small tweaks and it is working. I am down a pound.
Oh and my blood tests came back normal. YEA!!

Sammy- How is it going? Did you reach your 5 lb June goal?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I am back!

SO I will be turning 20 in August and I had honestly thought that I would be at my goal weight by then...yeah sadly not going to happen. However I am back on the band wagon ladies. I am going to my second physical therapy appointment on Friday and I am pumped. I love my PT lady and she was so sweet. Number 1 thing she stressed the most about keeping my back pain free was to lose the weight. So with the friendly advice I am ready to get it together.

For the past 3-4 weeks I have been very proud of myself. Although my eating habits have been atrocious I have been stretching every night. I was doing yoga for two weeks straight and my back started to hurt so I slowed down and started to just stretch. SO far so good! You know when they say that in regards to exercise repetition once you pass the three week mark it will usually become a habit. That's what I'm hoping for! That is my way of strength training and building strong lean muscles. I just need to work on my cardio and eating habits. What else is new? haha So I am back to walking the park and walking at home with those videos. My goal is to just do 30 minutes a day of activity or just be active as much as possible. Keep you fingers crossed for me ladies. There is no way that when I reach my 21st birthday I will be unhappy with my body. Unacceptable! haha We have all been so close to our goal and for some unknown reason we give up when it's just beyond our reach. Not anymore!!! We can and need to do this!

I currently fit into a size 16 dress and swim suit! Yup not okay! Hopefully by the end of summer I can get back to a 12. I wish I could just wake up in the morning and be skinny but that is not going to happen, and I know that it's going to be a struggle! I will literally be fighting for my life but it will get easier in time. Plus it's worth it :). So here's to summer...may it bring new hope and sexy new bodies!

Goal's for the end of June: 4 pounds lost, membership to gym, constant motion, and stretches every night/day.

I've missed you guys!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More than just the scale

Wow not working out and ditching my diet for a while really made a surprising difference in my body and not just the scale going up. I noticed more flab especially in the legs. My sleep and digestion were not good, I was tired and grumpy. So I got up and went to the Y this morning. I only did 30 mins on the elliptical..not great but something. My lungs definately were weaker.
I plan on walking my dog tonight. It is summer solstice and beautiful here so I have no excuse not to and besides he will love it.

Sammy how are you doing? Any motivation change? Christine are you still with us? I know times are tough for all right now but lets try to keep our heads up ladies.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sammy are you out there??

Hey Sammy sorry I let such a lapse of time go between posts. I have been slacking on my diet and exercise. Haven't been to the Y in a week!! I need to get off my butt and do it! I am so disappointed in myself. Tomorrow I am going to get up and go. I have to.

How are you doing Sammy? Lots better than me I hope!